Biography of Cassidy Mikkelsen


Cassidy Mikkelsen was born September 29, 1993 in Hastings, Nebraska. She lived in Superior, Nebraska till she was three when her parents separated Her mother is Joanna Hinrichs, she works as a travel agent with her own business called “All About You Tour & Travel.” Her father Jarod Mikkelsen and step-mother Melissa Mikkelsen, own a business, “Mikkelsen Farm and Lumber.” She has five siblings: Nevada Diehl, Rami Hinrichs, Kiara Mikkelsen, Mya Mikkelsen, and Mason Hinrichs. She then moved to Hastings, Nebraska after the separation of her family. She lived in Hastings, NE till she was six. Her mother then remarried and they moved to Fairifield, Nebraska and started 1st grade, where she graduated high school at Sandy Creek Public Schools.

Cassidy has many passions in her life. She started playing piano when she was six years old, and she still plays at the age of 19. She has always enjoyed singing since she was five. She has pursued her singing career with starting a christian band with her family called “J6″ the members of the band are: Becky Matticks (aunt) plays the drums, Rick Matticks (uncle) plays bass and sings, Joe and Sam Matticks (cousins) play electric guitar, Kayin Lovgren (cousin) plays electric guitar, and Cassidy Mikkelsen plays keyboard and is the lead singer.

Cassidy is very involved in her Church, she has went on three mission trips. Her first mission trip was to Mississippi where she helped rebuild a Rec. Center for children, it is basically a Girls and Boys Club. Then she went to New Orleans for a youth gathering, of youth groups all around the United States. While she was in New Orleans she helped landscaped a HIV/AIDS home, and talked to the people that live there. “They really impacted my life, I also gave them hope, and told them that music heals the soul,” she said. Her last mission trip was to Minnesota, where she repainted a lady’s house that had led paint.

She started doing pageants three years ago, her first pageant was in October 2010, Miss Nebraska Teen USA, where she placed top ten. She didn’t want to stop doing pageants, the reason why she started was from the movie “Miss Congeniality” and her cousin Chari Mikkelsen did them, and she thought it sounded fun. What she didn’t know was that they led to getting scholarships! She then did her next pageant, which her modeling agency persuaded her to do, Miss Nebraska National Teenager, which was held March 2011. She got crowned at this pageant with her strong ambition, “I want to travel around the world and the U.S. to orphanages to give them instruments and teach them how music heals the soul,” Cassidy said. “When I got crowned to be Miss Nebraska National Teenager I knew it changed my life, and I was so excited to go out and make a difference.” She then went to nationals at Miami, FL in July 2011. She didn’t place but received an honor to be “America’s National Hospitality 2012.” Coming home from Miami, Cassidy received the honor to be Miss Husker Sweetheart 2012, she recently went to San Antonio, Texas where she won the naitonal title Miss National Sweetheart 2013.

Cassidy now attends Omaha School of Massage in Omaha, Nebraska where she lives during the school year.

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